Zoom Meeting Bingo

Please complete the form below to invite your Zoom game players. After completing the form, individual invites & bingo cards will be emailed to your Zoom Music Bingo players. Still need to schedule your Zoom meeting? ZOOM BINGO I have been on 4 or 5 zoom meetings per day for the last three weeks, working from home. This bingo list is dead on. The corrupt establishment will do anything to suppress sites like the Burning Platform from revealing the truth.

  1. Zoom Meeting Bingo Background
  2. Zoom Meeting Bingo Game
  3. Zoom Meeting Bingo
  4. Zoom Meeting Bingo
  5. Play Bingo On Zoom

The New Normal Calls for Icebreakers! Zoom Icebreakers!

As 2020 continues on, virtual meetings have become a normal part of many people’s work life. Many of us have experienced online meetings to be dull and unenergetic, with many video screens off. Staying focused and engaged can be difficult. This is where Zoom icebreakers can help get your meetings off to a good start with your virtual team! Even if you’re not using Zoom, try these out regardless of the virtual meeting platform you’re using.

At Summit, we have spent the past two decades designing innovative activities and programs that energize and engage our clients, and we have a reputation for delivering team experiences that break the mold. Given the current circumstances, we have put our heads together to discover and create new icebreakers that work well in virtual team environments. These icebreakers are energizers that can be used to boost your online team meetings if you use Zoom or not.

1. Raise Your Hand

Get to know each other in a new way. During this icebreaker, one person reads a list of statements of varying experiences or values (such as raise your hand if you’ve gone skydiving, were a star athlete in high school, prefer dogs over cats, etc…). If its true of them, participants will raise their hands or use the raise hand button on your virtual platform.

Hint: Make your list as varied, light-hearted, and fun as possible. You might discover some unusual facts, talents, and preferences of your co-workers.

2. Guess Who?

Before the meeting, have participants send you 1 or 2 unique, interesting, fun, and true facts about themselves that others might not know. The facilitator can mix up the order and read each of the fun facts to the group. The objective for the team will be to try to connect each fun fact to the correct participant. If your virtual platform has a polling feature, it can be a fun way to do this – give 5 names as options to choose for each fun fact. Alternatively, possible choices can be put on a presentation screen and while sharing your screen, participants can stamp annotate their choice. Each person can keep track of how many they get correct to determine who knows the team best.

RELATED: The Circle of Influence Model: A Pro-Active Tool for Anxious Times

3. A GIF is Worth 1000 Words

Finding the perfect GIF can be worth a thousand words. They are a great way of injecting humour and creativity into an online meeting. Send participants into breakout rooms of 3-4 people with a phrase or statement that can be summed up with the perfect GIF. Teams will need to know how to share their screens with each other as they search and then show their GIF to the rest of the team when they return to the main room. Example phrases to find a team GIF could be…

  • How we feel when the doorbell rings
  • What good leadership looks like
  • How we look when we dance
  • How we feel on Friday afternoon (or Monday morning)

If you have a smaller team, each individual can find a GIF that…

  • Describes their personality
  • Describes their ideal team culture

This is one of our favourite icebreakers that works with Zoom and other online virtual meeting platforms.

4. Recent Photo Story

Have participants pull up the Photos app on their phone and look at the 3rd most recent photo they took. Each person can share their photo, and briefly tell the story behind it. This is a great way to get participants to share how they’ve been spending their time and in getting to know each other.

RELATED:Zoom, WebEX and Microsoft Teams Virtual Meeting Tips

5. Word Recap

Use an online whiteboard for team members to either annotate text one word per person that describes any number of things. For example, you could ask people to describe their last week/month, current team atmosphere, what they appreciate most about the team, how their day is going, what mood our customers in, etc… It is a quick way to start a discussion about culture, detect possible shifts in the atmosphere, and reasons to appreciate each other. A word cloud generator is another great tool to facilitate this activity.

6. Birthday Lineup Icebreaker

The objective is for participants to determine and write down on a piece of paper what number they think they are when they consider their birthday compared to their teammates birthdays in chronological order from January 1-December 31 (no, the year does not matter!). For instance, if there 10 participants, and I believe that my birthday will be the 7th to occur in calendar year, I will write down a 7 on a sheet of paper. The facilitator will explain the objective as well as share the golden rules which are: no speaking, cannot use the chat feature or text/call each other, and writing your birthday on paper or phone and holding it up to the screen is not allowed. Give the team a set amount of time (depends on the size of the group). Once time is up, participants will reveal what number they wrote down at the same time, and from 1-10 (or whatever number of people you have) share their birthday to see if they got the order right.

7. Ying Yang

A fun way to get to know more about the team is to have two seemingly opposites along a continuum line and have participants place themselves along the line using annotate stamp or by drawing on a whiteboard. Pairs such as planner/spontaneous, think before I speak/speak as I think, introvert/extrovert can be a welcome break to an otherwise one-side presentation and is a way to maintain engagement with your audience or team. You can make your pairs relevant to what you are talking about. Ying Yang can also be inserted into a PowerPoint and can be done all at once or as a quick breather throughout a meeting.

8. Bon Appétit

Give participants 30-60 seconds to determine the most interesting yet useful app on their phone. Then, have each participant share their app with the rest of the group. This can be done verbally if you have a smaller team or in the group chat if you have a larger team. Make sure someone is tracking responses, and the facilitator can send out the list of essential apps to the entire team. Alternatively, in place of apps, you can also do this activity with books, recipes, movies, and more!

Get Your Personal Copy Plus Two Bonus Icebreakers and Facilitator Tips

Get a PDF version of these Zoom icebreakers plus two more along with tips on how to facilitate virtual team meetings

We’re Here to Help

At Summit, even though we haven’t been able to be with teams in person for a while due to public health restrictions, we are able to support teams virtually with various team and leadership development modules and a few of our team building programs. If you just want to plan to have a fun break with your team and contribute to the care of your team’s well-being or grow the self and team awareness and capacity, we’re here to support you! Contact us to learn more. We’ll hop on a Zoom session with you and try out a couple of these icebreakers!

This page includes a list of fun games to play on Webex.


Webex games are fun activities and challenges that you can play over the video conferencing platform Webex. Many of these games utilize platform features like video, screen sharing and chat. The purpose of these games is to promote team building and engagement.

Webex games are a subcategory of games to play on video conference calls, and are similar to Zoom games and Microsoft Teams games.

This list includes:

  • fun games to play over Webex
  • Webex team building activities
  • interactive Webex activities
  • and other fun things to do on Webex
Zoom meeting bingo card game

So, here is a list of games to play on your next call:

Zoom Meeting Bingo Background

List of Webex games

From Yellow Submarine to online versions of Pictionary and Bingo, these games are fully compatible with the Webex video conferencing platform.

1. Yellow Submarine

Yellow Submarine is a fun game you can play via Webex. To set the game up, each player makes a small submarine out of paper or other materials. For example, you could draw a submarine on a piece of paper and cut it out, use colored construction paper to build your ship, or get crafty with other materials. Your submarine does not have to be yellow.

Once the game commences, players get 1 point each time they show the submarine on screen. The goal is to have your submarine’s appearance go unnoticed by all other players. For example, a player could casually lift the submarine up from the bottom of the screen during a Webex call, hide the submarine in the background, or camouflage it in their outfit.

If any other player spots your submarine then you still get the 1 point for that display, but otherwise are out of the game. The game ends when only one player remains, and the winner is the player with the most points.

Pro tip: The game mechanics work because the incentive is for each player to show their submarine as many times as they can. If you just wait it out then you will be the last player standing, and you will also have no points.

2. Webex Trivia (Facilitated)

Virtual Trivia is one of the hosted virtual team building activities we offer over Webex and other platforms. For this event, we prepare a set of wildly interesting questions that will have your team racing to be the first to answer.


This trivia sessions is 60 minutes, and perfect for teams that like competitive games. You can choose from themes like Rock & Roll or Interstellar, and we can develop custom trivia about your organization too.

Learn more about Virtual Team Trivia.

3. Webex Pictionary

A classic game of Pictionary includes a game board, pads of paper, dice, wine, anxiety and other elements of real world improv games.

Webex Pictionary is similar to the dining table equivalent, but without all the fluff. All you need is Webex, a decent internet connection, a list of topics to draw and someone to keep score.

Here is how to play:

  1. The “Draw Master” goes to Random Word Generator to get a word. I recommend using nouns.
  2. The “Draw Master” then does a screen-share and uses a free drawing app like Sketch to draw the word.
  3. Players can guess the word at any time. The first player to correctly guess the word gets 1 point.
  4. The game ends when a player reaches 5 points or you stop having fun.

4. Webex Bingo

Webex Bingo is a version of Online Team Building Bingo.

The game mechanics of playing Bingo games via Webex are similar to other versions. First, decide on a duration and prizes for your game. Second, distribute a game board. Third, each player self-tracks performance. And finally, award prizes for completing rows.

Here is a Webex Bingo board template you can use:

With the game board above, each player listens for the phrases and watches for or completes actions to mark off each square. Completing an entire row is a Bingo an deserving of at least praise and maybe prizes.

You may also be interested in Remote Work Bingo, which is specifically themed for working from home.

5. One Word to Rule Them All

One Word to Rule Them All is one of the Webex drinking games you can play without alcohol.

Here is how it works:

  • Choose a word that is neither particularly common or obscure. For example: “budget”, “market” or “home”.
  • Each time someone says the word during a Webex call, all players take a sip of a drink.

Zoom Meeting Bingo Game

For the drink, you could use tea, coffee, water, juice, milk, kombucha or many others.

6. Webex Icebreakers

Webex icebreakers are virtual icebreaker questions you can prompt attendees with.

One challenge with running icebreakers on Webex is that participants may not know when it is their turn to speak. To remedy this, the organizer should announce who is next and who is on deck and keep a two-person roster going throughout the icebreaker.

Here are a few icebreaker questions you can start with:

  • Where do you consider “home”?
  • What is your typing speed?
  • When did you join Facebook?
  • Who do you follow online and why?
  • Who was your closest friend growing up?
Zoom Meeting Bingo

See our full list of virtual icebreakers for online meetings for more inspiration.

More Webex games

You can adapt most virtual conference games to play on Webex. You can also adapt most real world games to play on virtual conferences, so the list of activities is really long.

For more specific examples, check out our list of online team building games, which includes Webex friendly game formats.

FAQ: Webex games

Here are some common questions we see about playing games over Webex.

What are Webex games?

Webex games are fun games and activities that you can play over the video conferencing platform Webex. For example, you can play Yellow Submarine and Webex Pictionary.

What are the best Webex games?

Two of the best games you can play over Webex are Webex Bingo and Yellow Submarine. For Bingo, we have a free template you can download on this page. For Yellow Submarine, everyone creates a mini-sub out of DIY materials and then follows the simple game mechanics.

Do you need any special equipment to play games over Webex?

You do not need any special equipment to play games over Webex! You just need an internet enabled device, the Webex platform, and a stable WiFi connection.

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Author: Michael Alexis

Zoom Meeting Bingo

CEO of teambuilding.com. I write about my experience working with and leading remote teams since 2010.

Zoom Meeting Bingo

100% Online Team Building Activities

Play Bingo On Zoom

We run world class online team building events that remote teams love. Rated 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐